
HomeCarbide Nozzles |Grit Blasting Nozzles| abrasive Nozzles |

Carbide Nozzles |Grit Blasting Nozzles| abrasive Nozzles |

Carbide Blast cleaning nozzles


We supply Everblast’s sandblasting nozzles with EZ grip style jackets. These high quality carbide blast cleaning nozzles are used widely in abrasive blast cleaning industry.   Everblast, established in 2002 has a great reputation for making nozzles with excellent quality & design. We also carry a comprehensive range of quality carbide inserts for popular sandblasting suction guns and cabinet blast cleaning. 

Sandblasting nozzle Model BA

All our armored and plastic jacketed sand blasting nozzles are supplied with industry standard threads:  1-1/4″ fine threads,  Contractor 50mm /2″ threads & 3/4″ fine threads. In addition we have flanged nozzles.

thread specs and converter

Most contractor style dry & wet sand blasting nozzles are available with either 1″ (25mm) or 1-1/4″ (32mm) entry. In addition to long style, venturi blast cleaning nozzles, we offer a wide range of carbide inserts: tungsten carbide, boron carbide and ceramic.  Inserts are generally fitted in suction guns for use in sandblasting cabinets and workshops where close up grit blast cleaning is needed.

We offer a range of high performance nozzles from Everblast. These XLBC blast cleaning nozzles these are widely used not only in dry blasting but also wet blasting. These are extra-long venturi, boron carbide lined abrasive blast cleaning nozzles available with either 1-1/4″ or 2″  coarse threads.

Tungsten carbide nozzles are the most commonly used nozzles in the sandblasting / abrasive blast cleaning industry. They are tough and are best suited for use in harsh work site conditions. Tungsten carbide nozzles are economical and work well with most abrasives. If you want light weight carbide nozzles for use with the same media we offer Silicon carbide blast cleaning nozzles. Cost is higher than a comparable tungsten carbide nozzle but Silicon carbide offers a longer wear life.


We also offer a range of short blast cleaning nozzles and inserts for use in blast cleaning cabinets. They can be used in either pressure or syphon blast cleaning systems. Check our complete range of nozzles and inserts for sandblasting guns and sandblasters. If you blast clean anything check our site we may have a replacement part for you. Our Sand blasting nozzles and inserts are available in different wear materials ceramic (alumina), tungsten carbide, silicon carbide, silicon nitride and boron carbide.


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Looking for an easier way to identify the carbide nozzle or ceramic insert you are using with or without a part number?  Give our advanced date search system a try.  No need to search through lists of numbers. Let our cross reference and search filters do the work for you. Narrow down your search for a compatible or replacement product. We don’t guarantee having all cross reference numbers but we have many of them. If you can’t find your blast nozzle type by part number try filtering using 5 main characteristics:  

  • Bore Size,

  • Liner Material,

  • Thread spec. (if applicable),

  • Nozzle style

  • Jacket style (if applicable).



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